Drabbea Species

Open Species | pl. Drabbeas

Pronunciation: Drab-bee / Drab-bees

The Drabbea species is an alien race that inhabits the planet Voinec. They are highly intelligent and social, forming strong bonds with their mates and friends. Although they have only one biological gender, they still need a partner for reproduction. Even though they look like mammals known from Earth, they lay eggs.


They are large anthros, but due to their size, weight, and center of gravity, they walk primarily on all fours. Their bodies have several translucent spikes, which consists a substance in their blood that flouresces. This substance flouresces by absorbing the rays of the neutron star. The star's rays are also the reason why they prefer to build their homes underground when the rays are too strong.


Drabbeas can be found in all regions of the planet, and their appearance varies depending on their habitat. Some are adapted to cold and freezing climates, while others are more suited to hot and sunny regions. There are also some hybrids that can live in both warm and cold areas. Depending on where the Drabbea lives, they eat more fish, meat, berries, or fruits.