
Southern Culture

The main population of Drabbeas from the South live in the great city. Some off them live in small groups or alone with their partners or family. The Drabbeas value their independence and freedom. They have a diverse diet, consisting mainly of fish, berries and fruits that they catch or gather from the nearby rivers and forests. They celebrate many festivals throughout the year, honoring their two gods (Luodence & Vexace) and celebrating events from the past. They enjoy music, drawings, writing, crafting, and other forms of expression. Often known for wearing accessories like feathers and flourescing gems.

Northern Culture

Drabbeas from the North live in large groups or in small cities. They face many threats from the hostile wildlife that roam the northern lands, so they learned to craft sturdy armor and weapons from the materials they can find. Their diet consists mainly of fish and meat, as they have little access to vegetation in their harsh environment. They value survival and cooperation and have few festivals throughout the year. They often use sounds to communicate with each other, which is useful in hunting and combat situations.